How to create a Hashicorp Vault AMI

Vault is a secrets manager, basically it store and protects several types of secrets such as password, certificates, token, keys, etc. Usually I’ve seen Vault getting installed in Kubernetes or some sort of container platform, in this case the AMI is prefered for people who may not have that infrastructure in place. The operating system used for this is Ubuntu 18.04 as is a LTS release and the documentation is pretty good, also as is an LTS release it has support from canonical until 2023.

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Create email accounts in aws

In this post I cover how I create email accounts in AWS with terraform. I choose terraform because is easier to setup than the aws console, in this case the only thing previously needed is the aws hosted zone. Create two files, one called and the other variable "zone_id" { default = "ABCDFGH1234567" description = "Zone ID where you have your domains" } variable "domain" { default = "myawesomeemail.

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Static sites with hugo and aws

I recently got myself my own domain and wanted to create a blog or a simple page. I’ve been writing stuff in medium but didn’t like the way to write code, so I decided to create a blog with hugo and host it in aws s3. The first step is to download hugo and install it, so go to and follow the instructions. Once it is installed I downloaded a theme and created a first post.

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